{:en}Endorse The Freedom Flotilla-Old{:}{:es}Adhesión a la Flotilla de la Libertad{:}

Thanks to all our supporters!

I/our organization support(s) the Freedom Flotilla Coalition in taking direct action to end Israel\’s illegal blockade of Gaza:

    Agree for my/our name to be published on this site

    International Gaza Info (English)Gaza Freedom Flotilla - Australia (English)Canadian Boat to Gaza / Bateau canadien pour Gaza (English / Français)Rumbo a Gaza (Español)US Boat to Gaza (English)


    Other Endorsements:

    Israel\’s ultimate aim is to normalize its violent occupation of Palestine, the horrific siege on Gaza and the adjoining racist apartheid system. The Palestinian people are fighting back, to ensure that their oppression is not made normal, that apartheid is fully dismantled and military occupation is finally defeated.

    A crucial factor that will help Palestinians achieve their freedom is international solidarity that is predicated on direct, meaningful and sustainable action. The Freedom Flotilla Coalition is a powerful expression of the kind of practical international solidarity that will aid Palestinians in their noble quest for justice.

    The methods used by courageous activists who are braving the sea to reach the besieged Palestinians in Gaza and to raise awareness of the tremendous suffering in the impoverished and fully isolated region, places Israeli war criminals at the dock of the world\’s public opinion.

    Such morally-driven global solidarity is not only a PR disaster for Israel, as it exposes its ongoing war crimes in Palestine, it is also a massive moral boost to besieged Palestinians – an urgent reminder that they are not alone in this defining fight between a resisting nation and a violent, racist colonizer.{:}{:es}

    ¡Gracias por su apoyo!

    Apoyo/mi organización apoya la Coalición internacional de la Flotilla de la Libertad en su acción directa para acabar con el bloqueo ilegal que impone Israel sobre la Franja de Gaza:

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