Who We Are
A global coalition highlighting the inhumanity of the illegal Israeli blockade of Gaza.
What We Do
We expose the Israeli blockade and how corporations and nation-states sustain the human rights violations.
Why We Do It
The illegal Israeli blockade denies human rights to more than two million people, including more than one million children.
What You Can Do
Everyone can expose and challenge the inhumanity of the occupation and blockade. We need to get our governments to oppose Israel's human rights violations.
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Protestation pour libérer son navire Conscience
La Flottille de la Liberté (FFC) entame une protestation pour libérer son navire Conscience / Déclarations de la coalition, A la une, Actualités, Communiqués de
La Flottille de la Liberté suspend la mission du Handala
Communiqué de presse ; pour diffusion immédiate, 19 août 2024 La Coalition de la flottille de la liberté pleure les plus de 40 000 Palestinien.nes
Handala rend visite à La Rochelle
On our way to La Rochelle, we were followed by the French Navy. After a while, they established a communication with Handala where they asked