Membri della Coalizione Freedom Flotilla

Founding members in 2010 were
  • Free Gaza Movement
  • European Campaign to End the Siege on Gaza
  • İHH İnsani Yardım Vakfı
  • Ship to Gaza Greece
  • Ship to Gaza Sweden
  • The International Committee to End the Siege on Gaza
Member organizations that have joined over the years:

[Brazil] Freedom Flotilla Brazil, [Canada] Canadian Boat to Gaza, [Italy] Freedom Flotilla Italia, [Malaysia] MyCARE Malaysia, [New Zealand/Aotearoa] Kia Ora Gaza, [Norway] Ship to Gaza, [South Africa] Palestine Solidarity Alliance, [Spain] Rumbo a Gaza, [United States] US Boats to Gaza, Mavi Marmara Freedom and Solidarity Association [Turkey].

Partner Organizations:

Miles of Smiles, [Australia] Free Gaza Australia, [France] Platforme des ONG pour la Palestine