

Despite Distractions, Israel Is Still Killing Palestinians Daily

International participants arrive to sail with Freedom Flotilla to Break the Siege For immediate release, Friday April 19. ISTANBUL, TÜRKİYE: Hours ago, the media reported that Israel has attacked Iran. The Freedom Flotilla Coalition stands here to remind the world that with all the escalation between Israel and Iran, the killing is occurring in Gaza. […]

Despite Distractions, Israel Is Still Killing Palestinians Daily Read More »

{:en}International Civilian Aid Flotilla to Break the Siege of Gaza{:}{:de}Internationale zivile Hilfsflottille zur Durchbrechung der Belagerung des Gazastreifens{:}

{:en}Media Release April 4, 2024 The international Freedom Flotilla Coalition (FFC) will sail in mid April with multiple vessels, carrying 5500 tons of humanitarian aid and hundreds of international human rights observers to challenge the ongoing illegal Israeli blockade of the Gaza Strip. This is an emergency mission as the situation in Gaza is dire,

{:en}International Civilian Aid Flotilla to Break the Siege of Gaza{:}{:de}Internationale zivile Hilfsflottille zur Durchbrechung der Belagerung des Gazastreifens{:} Read More »

World Central Kitchen attacked by Israeli Occupation Forces

Media Release April 3, 2024 The Freedom Flotilla Coalition sends our heartfelt condolences to World Central Kitchen for the loss of their aid workers, murdered by the Israeli Occupation Forces. We also send our deepest condolences to the workers’ families, friends and colleagues. This latest war crime by Israel impacts aid workers, aid organizations and

World Central Kitchen attacked by Israeli Occupation Forces Read More »

{:en}Save Gaza cargo ship sails from Libya with aid for Gaza{:}{:ar}سفينة المساعدات الليبية تبحر من ميناء مصراتة محملة بالمساعدات لغزة{:}

{:en}The International Campaign to Save Gaza cargo ship leaves the Libyan port of Misrata today with a cargo of humanitarian aid bound for Gaza. The Freedom Flotilla Coalition appreciates the popular efforts in Libya, which resulted in this great achievement and were able to collect such large quantities of aid (1600 tons) for the Palestinians

{:en}Save Gaza cargo ship sails from Libya with aid for Gaza{:}{:ar}سفينة المساعدات الليبية تبحر من ميناء مصراتة محملة بالمساعدات لغزة{:} Read More »

Freedom Flotilla participant ship

{:en}Freedom Flotilla – Sailing to Break the Siege in May-June 2024{:}{:es}La Flotilla de la Libertad se prepara para navegar en abril{:}{:fr}La flottille de la liberté se prépare pour le voyage d’avril{:}{:it}La Freedom Flotilla si sta preparando per il viaggio di aprile{:}{:de}Freedom Flotilla bereitet sich auf die Reise im April vor{:}

{:en} {:en}The Freedom Flotilla mission “Break the Siege” will sail shortly. We are looking for individuals who are interested in joining the flotilla as participants, media, or medical staff. The goal of the mission is to deliver aid to the people in Gaza, but more importantly to break the illegal and inhumane siege placed on

{:en}Freedom Flotilla – Sailing to Break the Siege in May-June 2024{:}{:es}La Flotilla de la Libertad se prepara para navegar en abril{:}{:fr}La flottille de la liberté se prépare pour le voyage d’avril{:}{:it}La Freedom Flotilla si sta preparando per il viaggio di aprile{:}{:de}Freedom Flotilla bereitet sich auf die Reise im April vor{:} Read More »

{:en}Palestinians in Gaza need aid, not more US-led interference{:}{:ar}الفلسطينيون في غزة يحتاجون للمساعدات، وليس إلى مزيد من التدخل الأمريكي{:}{:de}Palästinenser in Gaza brauchen Hilfe, nicht noch mehr Einmischung unter der Führung der US{:}

{:en}{:en} {:en}{:en}{:en}{:en}{:en}{:en}{:en}The US-led “sea corridor” to Gaza and the current “temporary pier” proposal are cynical distractions from US complicity in Israel’s ongoing genocide, including the deliberate starvation of over 2 million Palestinian civilians. The US and its allies continue to arm and support Israel’s bombardment, displacement and denial of the necessities of life of Palestinian

{:en}Palestinians in Gaza need aid, not more US-led interference{:}{:ar}الفلسطينيون في غزة يحتاجون للمساعدات، وليس إلى مزيد من التدخل الأمريكي{:}{:de}Palästinenser in Gaza brauchen Hilfe, nicht noch mehr Einmischung unter der Führung der US{:} Read More »

{:en}FFC is on the move: Break the Siege of Gaza{:}{:ar}تحالف أسطول الحرية يعلن عن تحرك جديد للإبحار لكسر الحصار عن غزة{:}{:es}La FFC está en marcha: Romper el asedio a Gaza{:}{:fr}La Coalition de la Flottille de la Liberté est prête à prendre la mer pour briser le siège de Gaza{:}{:pt}A Flotilha da Liberdade está em movimento: Romper o Cerco a Gaza{:}{:it}FFC è in azione: Rompere l’Assedio a Gaza{:}{:de}FFC setzt sich in Bewegung: Schluss mit der Belagerung von Gaza{:}

{:en}The Freedom Flotilla Coalition (FFC) announces our plan to sail again to challenge Israel’s unlawful and deadly siege of Gaza. In the coming weeks, a flotilla will put to sea carrying thousands of tonnes of urgently needed humanitarian aid that will be delivered directly to Palestinians in Gaza. After 17 years of a brutal blockade

{:en}FFC is on the move: Break the Siege of Gaza{:}{:ar}تحالف أسطول الحرية يعلن عن تحرك جديد للإبحار لكسر الحصار عن غزة{:}{:es}La FFC está en marcha: Romper el asedio a Gaza{:}{:fr}La Coalition de la Flottille de la Liberté est prête à prendre la mer pour briser le siège de Gaza{:}{:pt}A Flotilha da Liberdade está em movimento: Romper o Cerco a Gaza{:}{:it}FFC è in azione: Rompere l’Assedio a Gaza{:}{:de}FFC setzt sich in Bewegung: Schluss mit der Belagerung von Gaza{:} Read More »

Freedom Flotilla Calls on the US and Allies to Guarantee Safe Passage to Gaza as in the Red Sea

The Freedom Flotilla Coalition rejects the double standard and hypocrisy of the violent response to Yemeni Armed Forces’ actions in the Red Sea by the Biden Administration and its allies. The Freedom Flotilla Coalition and other civil society groups have sent dozens of boats towards Gaza since 2010. All of those boats that approached Gaza

Freedom Flotilla Calls on the US and Allies to Guarantee Safe Passage to Gaza as in the Red Sea Read More »