Port All Freedom Flotilla participants take a solidarity stand for the Palestinian people of Gaza, and especially for the children of Gaza. Some help as part of our ground crews in ports, others are chosen to take an active role on the boat on one or more of the journey’s legs, while others help spread our message in the media and across communities or do other vital support work, including fundraising. Most Flotilla participants are “passengers on land.”
For participants on board, especially for the final leg of our voyages towards Gaza, we always aim to include people who can have an impact through their profile in their home countries or internationally, such as civil society or political leaders, media commentators, trade-union or faith-group leaders, etc., and who are prepared to face the likely violence of the Israeli Occupation Forces in a peaceful manner. You can see some of the previous Flotilla participants from our 2023 For the Children of Gaza flotilla, 2018 Just Future for Palestine flotilla, and from our 2016 Women‘s Boat to Gaza.
Please contact your nearest Freedom Flotilla Coalition member with any recommendations of suitable candidates, or if you are able to volunteer to help our campaigns. And please visit this site regularly as we announce upcoming participants.