New strategic plan adopted by Freedom Flotilla Coalition

Barcelona, November 1, 2015
for immediate release

In light of the extremely deteriorated situation in Palestine, the Israeli oppression and the continued blockade of Gaza, the Freedom Flotilla Coalition (FFC) met in Barcelona to evaluate past actions and plan for future work.  The following strategic plan was adopted:

2016: Women\’s Boat to Gaza will sail to challenge the blockade.
2017: Focus will be on solidarity with the fishermen of Gaza.
2018: a large vessel carrying hundreds of supporters from around the world will sail to challenge the blockade.


In the meeting, which took place on Saturday October 31st and Sunday November 1st, 2015 the following campaigns were represented:

Canadian Boat to Gaza
European Campaign to End the Siege of Gaza
Freedom Flotilla Italy
Palestine Solidarity Alliance (South Africa)
Rumbo a Gaza (Spain)
Ship to Gaza – Norway
Ship to Gaza – Sweden

This was the first FFC face to face meeting after Freedom Flotilla III, where the Marianne was captured, and all delegates on board detained, by the Israeli occupation forces.

FFC has, and will continue to, focus its work on actively challenging the blockade of Gaza, call upon and pressure governments worldwide to take action against this illegal blockade and at the same time supports various forms of non violent struggle adopted by the Palestinian people against oppression and injustice.

We will continue our work until the blockade of Gaza is lifted, occupation comes to an end and all just rights of the Palestinian people are restored. 

for more information

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