The Freedom Flotilla Coalition opposes the US government’s decision to recognize Jerusalem as Israel’s capital, and begin the process of relocating its embassy to Jerusalem. This unilateral move is proof that the United States can no longer play any credible or constructive role as a mediator in negotiations towards a just peace settlement. Israel must end its illegal occupation of Palestinian land and the illegal blockade of Gaza. No country can violate international law by imposing a capital city on occupied land.
The FFC also condemns all violence perpetrated by Israel forces all over Palestine, including in Gaza, the West Bank and East Jerusalem. Palestinians\’ right to peacefully protest and resist the occupation must be defended by international voices. We call on civil society to appeal to their respective governments in the strongest terms to speak out about ongoing violations of international law and human rights. Civil society around the world must continue to join in peaceful protest and direct actions to send a clear message that this unilateral abuse of power will not be tolerated.
The Freedoms Flotilla\’s ongoing grassroots direct actions against the blockade of Gaza and for Palestinian freedom of movement depend on your support, please see