Alex is an American who grew up in Europe in the 1960s and early 1970s very aware of the devastation of World War II with family friends who had lost relatives in the Holocaust.
In the early 2000s, when the wall was being built in the West Bank, Alex became aware that what he had been taught about Israel in school and through the news did not make sense. He started researching the issue, traveled to Palestine, and ultimately wrote two books on the language used to support Israel’s narrative: How I Learned to Speak Israel – An American’s Guide to a Foreign Policy Language and When They Speak Israel – A Guide to Clarity in Conversations about Israel.
Alex was part of the crew for the Mairead in the 2018 “For a Just Future for Palestine” Flotilla, Freedom Flotilla and is actively involved in how Israel and Palestine are taught in US schools. He was on Handala in 2023 from Norway through Scotland to Wales, and Liverpool and Bristol. He mentions:
“I am so inspired by people I meet along Handala’s journey – some share their great work in Palestinian solidarity, some give us thumbs up and stop for conversations, while others generously go out of their way to bring us food or items we need for the boat. One of the beauties of the Freedom Flotilla is how it brings human beings across the world and across different communities together.”
Alex can be interviewed in English or French.