As an activist who learned the ropes in the aftermath of the massive earthquake that struck L’Aquila on 6 April 2009, Daniele Poccia (Italy, 1983) learned that taking a stand, in a world where injustice reigns, is only a matter of necessity. At the time, it seemed indispensable to him, as to many others, to take a stand against the authoritarian and predatory management of a catastrophe that someone had believed to be impossible, in order to collectively seek the forms of a material and social reconstruction based on principles of fairness, participation and transparency. Since then, he has tried not to stop listening to this inner voice, which is as basic as it is vital. It is for this reason that today, among the many scenarios of oppression plaguing the contemporary world, he considers it is essential to offer his support to the Palestinian people, choosing to embark with the Freedom Flotilla. Daniele lives in Rome, publishes from time to time about philosophy and other subjects, and travels as often as he can.