Tuesday morning, July 25, Palestine activists and members of the Dutch Palestinian community received the Gaza Freedom Flotilla boat Handala in the Rotterdam harbor. They met the crew and were given a tour of the boat.
On Wednesday there was a public panel discussion at the Wijkpaleis center. Food, connection, and solidarity were shared. The panel shared their views on the effectiveness of International and Human Law in the fight against the occupation of Palestine.

On Thursday there was a demonstration as well as activities and workshops for adults and children. The square where the demonstration took place was renamed Gaza Square. The children activities were both to remember and stand in solidarity “For the children of Gaza” because it is the right thing to do and because it is the theme of this year’s Flotilla. The event workshops included painting, information on children’s rights, Dabke dancing and reading sessions.

The children made drawings, paintings with messages and wishes for the children in Gaza. Palestinian women provided delicious Palestinian snacks. Stalls of solidarity groups such as Plant an Olive Tree were also present.

On Friday there were tours on the boat for those interested who wanted to see which boat the Flotilla will sail to Gaza next year and who also enjoyed a conversation with the crew. The crew was invited to a lovely dinner at a mosque.

These were very successful days and fortunately there was also publicity in the media. Here is one example – Open Rotterdam (see their video below). On Saturday, the Flotilla left for Germany.
Thanks to the Rotterdam Palestinian solidarity team for your warm welcome and for organizing the great events!