For the last two years COVID19 restrictions have prevented the Freedom Flotilla Coalition from sailing to challenge the illegal Israeli blockade of Gaza.
In 2022, instead of sailing boats through Europe to Gaza, FFC partners and supporters are holding local solidarity actions and events to let Palestinian people in Gaza know that we have not forgotten them and are working to ensure they can realise their human rights.
Aims of these actions and events include educating people about the illegal Israeli blockade of Gaza and its impacts and challenging government, corporate and institutional complicity.
We are logging events on this map with each event symbolized by a boat heading to Gaza to challenge the blockade. Zoom in and click on any of the boats on the map to see details of the event.
We are also posting pictures and details of the events in our Virtual Freedom Flotilla log.
Please contact your local FFC campaign group if you would like to participate in or have proposals about local actions or events.