Thiago Ávila is a Brazilian, Latin American from the Global South, communicator, internationalist and socio-environmentalist, coordinator of Freedom Flotilla Brazil and member of the Steering Committee of the Freedom Flotilla Coalition. Thiago is 37 years old, is the father of a 6-month-old daughter and organizes solidarity missions to several countries in the Global South in crisis situations (the most recent was the mission to Cuba in July 2024). An activist for the Palestinian cause for 19 years, he has been in person in the region and in neighboring countries, produces educational content on the topic on social media, participates in solidarity committees in Brazil, mobilizes for demonstrations in various locations, promotes lectures, courses and seminars on the cause in various parts of the world and offers interviews to the press in various countries about the truth about Palestine (even debating with Zionists). Since October 2023, Thiago Ávila has built and supported missions that attempt to create a perennial humanitarian corridor to Gaza to end the famine situation. He was in Egypt in mobilizations for the opening of the Rafah border, he was in Turkey in the first attempt to sail with the Freedom Flotilla emergency mission and he was in other neighboring countries expressing his solidarity with Palestine and mobilizing more sectors so that they are increasingly committed with the cause.