Catherine Watters (USA)

The most recent mass killings taking place in Gaza, recent attacks in Rafah, the pier on top of the already, decades long genocide going on since 1948, has made the parallels between the plight of the Palestinians and the abusive, dysfunctional family and community I experienced and studied for decades quite clear.

I have focused on Health and Fitness; Mentally, Physically and Spiritually for 5 decades due to the health assault I lived since a child in the early 70s. All I could do was live according to what my BODY saw, Lived, felt, Experienced, KNEW and Responded to. All those around me tried telling me it was, it was my BODY’S responses that were “wrong” and I should NOT listen to and I should listen to them instead!

All I had to rely on for 54 years was my Own Body’s responses to the dysfunctional, abusive family and community.

The attack on All levels of health wasn’t confusing.

I had NO choice but, to dive head first, from a state of EMERGENCY, into holding onto my psych and physical health and Build it up while the system and others continue undermining it and their own.

I was a Personal Trainer in the 80’s and 90’s, researched the dysfunctional, abusive family, enabling, the effects of child abuse on health in later life; mentally, physically and spiritually. I was an Emergency Medical Technician for the NYC Fire Department from 1994 to 2000. Graduated from Brooklyn College with a BA in Psychology in 1989 with the intention of pursuing a “career” in Counseling, families, spouses, children.

When I realized I would need to get a loan and debt to attend Graduate school, I KNEW the system was a Total Scam. That All it did was throw obstacles instead of support in your way.

The reason Psych, healing, Recovery from abuse was SO needed is BECAUSE the system Creates it. So how would going along with that same system eradicate it? It made NO sense.