Children on a beach in Gaza with a sign "Waiting you with love".

{:en}Freedom Flotilla will sail against the illegal blockade of Gaza later than planned{:}{:ar}تاجيل إبحار أسطول الحرية ضد حصار غزة الى وقت لاحق{:}{:es}La Flotilla de la Libertad se hará a la mar contra el bloqueo de Gaza más tarde de lo planeado{:}

{:en} In light of global health restrictions on travel and public gatherings, the Freedom Flotilla Coalition has decided to delay our planned departure towards Gaza. We had initially planned to visit several southern European ports in April and May of this year, and head for Gaza at the end of May, to coincide with the […]

{:en}Freedom Flotilla will sail against the illegal blockade of Gaza later than planned{:}{:ar}تاجيل إبحار أسطول الحرية ضد حصار غزة الى وقت لاحق{:}{:es}La Flotilla de la Libertad se hará a la mar contra el bloqueo de Gaza más tarde de lo planeado{:} Read More »