Elizabeth Murray (USA)

Elizabeth Murray served as Deputy National Intelligence Officer for the Near East in the National Intelligence Council before retiring in 2010 after a 27-year career in the U.S.government. She specialized in Middle Eastern political and media analysis, and has lived and traveled extensively in the region.

She has been a consistent campaigner against US wars in Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya and Syria. A strong advocate of free speech and press freedoms, she has worked for the release of WikiLeaks editor Julian Assange, whom she visited personally while he was in London’s Ecuadorean Embassy.

Elizabeth is a member of Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity (VIPS) and the SamAdams Associates for Integrity in Intelligence (samadamsaward.ch). In 2018 she was a passenger aboard the Gaza Freedom Flotilla, and wrote a series of articles about her experience for Consortium News. She speaks Arabic, German, and Spanish.

For seven years Elizabeth served as Member-in-Residence at the Ground Zero Center for Nonviolent Action in Poulsbo, Washington, an all-volunteer organization dedicated to nonviolent resistance against the Trident nuclear submarine system and other nuclear weapons (www.gzcenter.org).

Below are some of her published articles:

Blades of Grass

A New Flotilla Steams Towards Gaza

The Human Cost of War in Iran